In the cybersecurity sphere, John McAfee (RIP) is considered a legend who needs no introduction. After he invented McAfee anti-virus software, John went on to live a fascinating and adventure-filled, if not controversial, life, often finding himself in the headlines (sometimes for morally dubious reasons). Despite his bad-boy antics, he truly was an innovator and pioneer throughout his time on earth, and he was one who always kept his finger on the pulse of the latest, greatest technology.
The most notable projects he was involved in towards the end of his life were not anti-virus related, but in fact, were Crypto-currency related. John was a vocally libertarian and anti-surveillance state, and he believed Crypto-currency to be the key to unlocking freedom for the average person from big government and corporations. His first crypto was a Proof of Stake privacy coin called GHOST, which did very well. But his last and final project is much more intriguing…
In McAfee’s own words, $WHACKD is a joke or meme-coin like dogecoin. He put out messages on social media saying, before his untimely suicide, that if he committed suicide, he was, in fact, “whacked” or killed, hence the name. While we don’t know for sure what happened (he did most likely commit suicide), the crypto-currency sphere is rife with speculation and conspiracy, with rumors of shady corporations and geopolitical intrigue standing side by side with the latest news on FinTech advancements and the like. There are rumors that $WHACKD is connected to McAfee’s alleged dead man switch in some more clandestine, tin-foil-wearing communities. But regardless of these baseless rumors, the project seems promising from a cybersecurity pioneer based on fundamentals alone.
John was keen on the deflationary aspect of crypto-currency. A quick rundown of what that means would be as follows; you can print infinite dollars, you can’t make more crypto-currency. So with $WHACKD, John built a deflationary mechanic directly into the asset’s smart contract itself. Every single transaction that is made “whacks” a portion of the tokens out of circulation forever. They are sent to a burn address and destroyed. On top of this, every 1000th transaction is fully burnt as well. So the more coins that are purchased, the less are in circulation. This mechanic alone guarantees that the valuation of the token will rise, as fewer tokens mean more scarcity, and scarcity equates to value.
After his untimely death, the coin has been taken over by a dedicated and fully decentralized community of volunteers and fans who want to see John’s vision come to life. In this sense, it truly is DeFi (decentralized finance) as there is no one centralized source running the community. But don’t let that fool you; the team has been relentlessly checking the boxes on their ambitious roadmap with ease.
Some exciting points regarding said roadmap: The community is working hard to get $WHACKD listed on CoinMarketCap and Coin Gecko ideally this month (August 2021). And there is a rumor that a potential Binance listing is coming in Q4 of this year. This should deflect any allegations of $WHACKD being a scam or a rug-pull. John McAfee was a pioneer, and he valued his namesake. He would only give his blessing to a project he believed in.
When you purchase $WHACKD, you can not only speculate for the chance of your own future financial well-being, you are actively engaging with the deflationary mechanic (which drives up value), AND, most importantly, you are owning a piece of crypto-currency history. Check out for more info, and if you like what you see, take a gander at the Telegram as well. There is a really responsive, warm, and engaging community there waiting to answer any questions. Exciting to see where John’s last social experiment leads holders this time…
By Defi Kid